New Website About HASAG Pelcery

August 11, 2024

Local Częstochowa historians and filmmakers, Marcin Bocain and Kamil Langier, have launched a new website dedicated to the history of the HASAG Pelcery, the Nazi forced labour in Częstochowa, where are parents, grandparents and other ancestors worked as slaves in this Hugo Schneider AG munitions factory.

The website, in both in Polish and English, not only contains general information about the camp, but also the prisoners and their lives there, an interactive map of the camp buildings and pictures of objects which Marcin and Kamil have found on the former site of the camp and which have been donated by others.

The website work is a “work in progress”. In the future, additional pages will be added to the site, including a “Search Engine for forced workers” feature.

Both Marcin and Kamil have created this site out of their love of history. They believe that the history of  HASAG Pelcery needs to be preserved as a vital component in telling the story of the fate of Częstochowa’s Jewish citizens in World War II.

To view this amazing website, click HERE.