My Częstochowa
My Częstochowa
Write Your Own Story
Write Your Own Story
Since the fall of communism in Poland in 1989, hundreds of Częstochowa survivors and their descendants have visited the city, either at any one of the World Society’s Reunions or travelling independently. Each visitor had his/her own motivation for making the trip and each trip, in turn, left a very specific impact on the visitor.
For anyone who wishes to share with the rest of us, their experience and any aftermath, we have now set aside a section of our website to enable them to do so. In fact, we positively encourage you to add your contribution!.
- Each contribution should be a maximum of 3,000 words (in WORD or plain text format)
and MUST be accompanied by at least 2 or up to 8 photographs (a page of plain text
without a pic or two does not look good at all)..
- Contributions can be submitted either in English or Polish. Don’t worry if you think
that your English isn’t good enough. We will edit it to fix any spelling and grammar errors,
and will make it read well stylistically. If you submit your contribution in Polish, then your
Webmaster will quite willingly translate it into English.
All contributions
should be
emailed to
the Webmaster